SICP Exercise 2.22
Louis Reasoner tries to rewrite the first square-list
procedure of
exercise 2.21 so that it evolves an iterative process:
(define (square-list items)
(define (iter things answer)
(if (null? things)
(iter (cdr things)
(cons (square (car things))
(iter items nil))
Unfortunately, defining square-list
this way produces the answer list in
the reverse order of the one desired. Why?
Louis then tries to fix his bug by interchanging the arguments to cons
(define (square-list items)
(define (iter things answer)
(if (null? things)
(iter (cdr things)
(cons answer
(car things))))))
(iter items nil))
This doesn’t work either. Explain.
Actually, these two algorithms produce two slightly different outputs. While the first one just returns the list in reverse order as described, the second one returns a nested list (but in the right order). Let’s look at the two results next to each other:
(16 9 4 1)
((((() . 1) . 4) . 9) . 16)
Let’s start with the first algorithm. In order to understand why it
behaves the way it does, it may help to evaluate the execution of iter
using the substitution model (not strictly in order so as to make it more
readable). So this is what it would look like:
(iter (list 1 2 3) nil)
(iter (cdr (list 1 2 3))
(cons (square (car (list 1 2 3)))
(iter (list 2 3)
(cons (square 1) nil))
(iter (list 2 3) (cons 1 nil))
(iter (list 2 3) (list 1))
(iter (cdr (list 2 3))
(cons (square (car (list 2 3)))
(list 1)))
(iter (list 3)
(cons (square 2) (list 1)))
(iter (list 3) (cons 4 (list 1)))
(iter (list 3) (list 4 1))
(iter (cdr (list 3))
(cons (square (car (list 3)))
(list 4 1)))
(iter nil
(cons (square 3)
(list 4 1)))
(iter nil (cons 9 (list 4 1)))
; return answer since things is nil
(iter nil (list 9 4 1))
(list 9 4 1)
As expected, we receive the array in inverted order in return. Looking at
the way the procedure evaluates, it makes sense: the array is evaluated
beginning to end, but cons
is called with the current result first and
then the previous results. It also makes sense then to assume that
flipping the order within the cons
would fix this problem. But, as we
saw, this still gives a wrong result, namely a nested list.
So let us do for this second implementation what we just did for the first
and evaluate iter
step by step.
(iter (list 1 2 3) nil)
(iter (cdr (list 1 2 3))
(cons nil
(square (car (list 1 2 3)))))
(iter (list 2 3)
(cons nil (square 1)))
(iter (list 2 3) (list (nil 1)))
At this point, we can already see where the problem is. nil
at the end
of a list simply marks the end, but at the beginning of a list, it is
interpreted as an empty list. You can verify this for yourself:
(list nil 1)
(() 1)